
Realizing peace, wholeness and abundance in unity.

The concept of unity encompasses the awareness of the oneness of all. We are one with God and one with each other. All that exists is contained within that Ultimate Reality, Infinite and Eternal Presence, Divine Spirit, Transcendent First Cause, that we call God. And, this Ultimate Reality is contained within all of creation: imminent and transcendent.

Peace, wholeness and abundance are our divine birthright as expressions/children of God. All of life experience is contained within these overlapping areas of existence.

Spirit knows peace as an inner level of consciousness that takes no rise from outer things; peace is not the absence of conflict, and the appearance of conflict does not indicate the absence of peace. Peace arises out of a consciousness that is transcendent to earthly experience from which our earthly experience is an extension.

Our essential nature is one of wholeness. Nothing can change the perfect pattern and potential for wholeness that we are. We can cover it up with a multitude of disguises, masks, personalities, dis-eases of all sorts. But the divine life pattern within us is the image and likeness of God: eternal and infinite.

The Universe is an out picturing of infinite abundance in depth, scope and variety; we live in an abundant universe. God is spirit; we are made in the image and likeness of spirit, we are inherently spiritual; there is neither lack nor limitation in spirit.

We all have this infinite potential (the Christ) within us; our opportunity is in realizing this Truth. To realize is to make real, it is no longer theoretical or denied. It is owned at a cellular level that says, “Yes! I am a wholly perfect, sinless child of God. I am one with God, one with my good. I release my personal will, I let go and let God be God in me.”

Whether we desire peace of mind, harmony in our relationships, health of mind or body, or prosperity in our financial lives our individual expression of the Ultimate Reality is enhanced and we experience greater joy and fulfillment as we allow for an expanded awareness of God to out-picture in our lives.


Peace Unity Network is a center for prayer, peace studies and healing lives

Peace is a consciousness that transcends this earthly experience. Unity is a consciousness of the One. A Network is linking of individuals and organizations who work together for the common good.

Our vision is to be a center; a center is the point around which life evolves. God is a circle whose center is in you and whose circumference is everywhere.

Prayer is at the heart of what we do; prayer is conscious contact with God. It is connecting with a greater reality than we are currently operating in. We focus our hearts and minds on affirmations of peace, wholeness and abundance and we attract peace, wholeness and abundance into our life experience and for all of those with whom we pray.

Through peace studies, we develop a consciousness that transcends this earthly experience and fosters communication and harmony within all of those with whom we work.

Healing lives is the natural expression of our mission of realizing peace, wholeness and abundance in unity. Together we are healing the world one life at a time.